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“HOW I GRADUATED WITH FIRST CLASS AT 22"– Aguleri girl who bagged First Class at University of Nigeria Nsuka “

Miss Nnamekwe Iruoma Favour, a brilliant girl who bagged first class from  University of Nigeria Nsuka has in this interview revealed how she did it. 

In this interview with OMT Editor, Dr Innocent Chidumebi Okonkwo, the first class graduate from Isiokwe Ivite Aguleri, explained why she chose psychology, her journey in school, challenges, and future plans. Below is the excerpt of the interview:

 *What endeared you to psychology*? I chose psychology because I have always had an interest in the field. This is because of the background I got from my secondary school experience. I scored 293 in Post- UTME and ended up picking psychology because I wanted to study a course in my first degree that was a bit more specialised to give me the flexibility that I need to explore various fields in forensic , and scientific investigation of crimes and psychology was the course that promises me that.

 *Is this what you have always wanted as a child?* No, I wouldn’t really say so.  As a child, I had passion for a lot of things. I wanted to study medicine as a kid, but at the course of growing up I chose law, that was because I wanted to impact the life of kids, and youths by defending them against unimaginable experiences at that age that will affect them later in life. But as God said, he ordered my footsteps, he chose a field where I will get to understand this population better. Psychology being a study of human behaviour and mental processes is that field. At the course of studying psychology I discovered myself better and ways I can influence and give more to my society.

 *What kind of growing up did you have and how did it influence your education?* Growing up, I am the last child of pastor Micheal Nnamekwe.

I had good examples to follow, from my Dad, mom, my sister and my four brothers. I worked hard to really make them proud.

 *When did you begin school?* I started school at the age of two.

 *How will you describe your experience studying psychology at UNN* ? My stay at my department in school was a normal, average and comfortable stay in school. It was an experience I would refer to as ‘bearable’. This is because I had lecturers that were always there to guide me and course mates and friends that supported me.I was active in campus fellowship and other associations like psychology press association.

 *When did you know you were headed for first class?* 

I knew I wanted and headed to first class right from the first day I entered UNN. I witnessed our convocation of 2018,and I wished to be one of those that were congratulated for their excellence. My first year first semester result confirmed it as I got a GP of 4.90 by God's grace.

 *How did you and your parents receive the news of your first class grade* ? For me, I was excited, because inasmuch as I saw it coming and I maintained the effort that I put in from the beginning, it was still a breath of relief for me when I realised that I had finally achieved it after the obstacles I faced in school. My parents were happy as well, but because I had always excelled academically, they expected it. Because of that, the element of surprise and excitement wasn’t really there for them. Have you always been an ‘A’ student from primary and high school? Yes, I have. I remember always being among the top three in my class from my primary to secondary school. I was always called out at graduation ceremonies to receive gifts at the end of the school year, even though I was never the best in school then. 

 *Which primary and secondary school did you attend?* I attended Enchristo nursery primary and secondary School.

 *How did you manage the pressure that comes with schooling in a public university with many strikes ?* I had always believed that I was in school for a very limited amount of time, and if I was focused on the reason I came to school and abide by the rules of the school, the experience would be more pleasant for me. I knew that once I was out of school, the freedom that I didn’t have in school would be mine again. So, this made me enjoy the ride at UNN till I graduated with first class . 

 You were in the University Campus fellowship and psychology press, What was your role? I was the academic coordinator of the fellowship. A role that ensures that each and every member of the fellowship is up and doing in their academics.

 What extracurricular activities did you engage in when you were in UNN? Aside from my leadership roles in Campus fellowship and press club, I didn’t really engage myself in any extracurricular activities, because I was trying to avoid distractions in school. I always naturally have a sense of leadership because of my family background. However, my studies were the reason I was in school in the first place. So, it automatically always came first. I also never took responsibilities that I knew would negatively affect my schoolwork. That really helped me to excel. 

 *Did you keep friends while in school* ? Yes, I did. I had a lot of good friends throughout my stay at UNN but they were all focused. 

 **What should you not be caught doing in UNN* ? Some of the things you shouldn’t be caught doing in UNN is examination malpractice 

 I studied a lot after classes in school. When it was time for quizzes and exams, I studied a lot which led to a lot of sleepless nights because I had the mentality that I couldn’t go to the exam hall without finishing all the contents for that course. 

 *How do you conquer exam fright* ? I always made sure that I was completely prepared for exams, making sure that I finished the contents for that particular course.

 *Was there any course or lecturer that motivated you to achieve this feat* 

 Yes, that is Professor and wife,Prof and Dr. Isaac Asuzu. I lived with them.

Lawrence Ozeh is an SEO Specialist, web developer and the founder of Rankfasta.

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