Welcome to OMT Channel, the trusted community news website for Aguleri. You can now find OMT on Nelogram as @OMTChannel

Editorial Policy

Effective Date: 22nd July, 2023


OMT Channel is committed to delivering accurate, fair, and reliable news and information to our readers. This Editorial Policy outlines our principles and guidelines for content creation, fact-checking, and addressing news story corrections and removals.

Accuracy and Credibility

1. Fact-Checking: We are dedicated to thorough fact-checking and verification of information before publishing. Our team of journalists and editors strives to ensure that our content is accurate, balanced, and reliable.

2. Attribution: We attribute information and quotes to their original sources whenever possible. In cases where sources need to remain anonymous, we do so responsibly and in accordance with ethical journalism standards.

3. Opinion vs. News: We clearly distinguish between news reporting and opinion pieces. Opinion pieces represent the views of the authors and contributors and do not reflect the editorial stance of OMT Channel.

Correction of Errors

1. Correction Policy: If we discover errors or inaccuracies in our published content, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently. Corrections are made with an acknowledgment of the error and a clarification of the accurate information.

2. Reader Feedback: We encourage our readers to report errors or inaccuracies they find in our content. We take reader feedback seriously and investigate reported issues.

3. Corrections Transparency: All corrections made to our content are clearly marked and dated. We maintain an archive of corrected articles to ensure transparency.

News Story Removal

1. Editorial Discretion: OMT Channel reserves the right to remove content from our website at our editorial discretion. This may include, but is not limited to, content that violates our editorial guidelines, is factually inaccurate, or poses legal or ethical concerns.

2. Transparency: In cases where content is removed, we strive to provide an explanation for the removal, unless legal or security reasons prevent us from doing so.

3. Archived Content: We maintain archives of our previously published content to preserve a record of our editorial history, even if certain content has been removed.

Ethical Reporting

1. Independence: OMT Channel is committed to editorial independence. Our reporting is not influenced by advertisers, sponsors, or external interests.

2. Conflict of Interest: Our journalists and contributors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of their reporting. Such disclosures are made transparently to our readers.

3. Diversity and Inclusion: We strive to represent diverse perspectives and voices in our reporting. We are committed to avoiding stereotypes, discrimination, and bias in our content.

Reader Engagement

1. Feedback: We welcome feedback from our readers, whether it's about errors, concerns, or suggestions for improvement. We value reader engagement and use it to enhance our reporting.

2. Letters to the Editor: We provide a platform for readers to submit letters to the editor for publication, fostering open dialogue and discussion.


OMT Channel's Editorial Policy reflects our commitment to ethical and responsible journalism. We aim to provide our readers with high-quality news and information that they can trust. This policy guides our content creation, fact-checking, corrections, and removals to ensure the highest standards of journalism.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Editorial Policy, please contact us at okonkwoinnocent037@gmail.com or mathozeh@gmail.com.

Last Updated: 23rd September, 2023